Join us - become a club member
Club membership costs just £10 a year for a single membership, £15 a year for joint membership, or £20 a year for family membership (children up to 18 yrs old). The best way of joining up is to just come to a club night where you can pick up a membership application form (plus that gives you the chance to meet some of us before joining up!). Alternatively you can just download a form (Adobe Acrobat required), print it, fill it in, and send it of with your remittance to the address on the form.
So what do you get for your money? Here are some benefits:
- Access to the members' area of the club website
- Cheaper AA cover
- Cheaper insurance
- Cheaper MOTs
- Friendly advice
- Club camping, cruises to the venues, club BBQs etc.
- And finally, a great social scene for family and friends.
Once your membership form has been processed you'll be sent your membership pack (please allow 28 days for this). This pack includes:
- Membership confirmation document (sometimes required by insurance companies).
- Membership card
- Stickers
- GSF Car Parts 10% discount card.
- List of benefits for club members
- AA discount form
- Guide to surviving your first VW show
- Hints and tips on finding insurance
Further merchandise is often for sale, including t-shirts and mugs.
If you have any other queries or questions about club membership then please contact the Club.